Welcome to The Beach House Kitchen’s newly designed website! So much to see in a much more user-friendly design!
Hello friends and Happy Monday! It’s an exciting day here at the BHK!
I’d like to welcome you to The Beach House Kitchen’s brand NEW SITE!
It’s been months in the making and I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. Back in the day when I started my site I used a pre-made theme which definitely had limitations. I knew at some point a whole new design would be in the cards.
I wanted to improve my site so it would be easier for you folks to browse for your favorite recipes and actually enjoy the site while browsing. I’ve taken into account many suggestions from you, the reader, on how to make the site better, so almost everything else has be redesigned and made more user-friendly.
The one thing that has stayed the same is my logo. I love it and I know many of you have commented over the years that you love it too, so it was the one thing that was a keeper.
The site now has a few Search Bars so you can search to your heart’s content. On my mobile view it’s now right at the tippy-top, so no more scrolling and scrolling to get to it. I know this was important to so many of you.
The site also has a brand-spanking new Recipe Index where you can explore the recipes by category or use the recipe filter where you can type in a Keyword, or search by Course or Cuisine.
I’ve also got a new About Page, as well as a few areas to Sign Up to follow the blog so you get my recipes sent straight to your inbox for free, so please do! There are also so many more recipes to choose from right from the Home Page.
When you click through to a recipe, now you’ll see the overall time it takes to make it right at the top. You’ll also have an option to scroll through and read the entire post and enjoy the content and photos (which I hope you do), as well as an option to Jump to the Recipe and one to Print the Recipe.
I hope you’ll take the time to glance over everything and enjoy. We’ll be working through any glitches over the next week or so, so if you see anything that looks out of place or odd, no need to worry, it will be fixed.
I’d love to hear what you think of the new design, so feel free to leave a comment below! Enjoy!
Love the new design it’s much more user-friendly…
So happy you like it Amy! There will be little tweaks here and there, but I think there’s so much more to see and way easier to navigate!
you have a lot of very good recipes, have made some.
Thanks so much for following Hugo! Hope you enjoy the new design!
After a quick tour of the new website, I love it, especially the recipe index with the photos. I always really enjoy the photos and they sometimes help me decide if I want to try something new. I did not realize you have a mobil app – I will have to look for it.
Thanks so much for following Betty Anne. So happy you’re enjoying the new site!
I loved the spinach ball recipe and so did my family
Awesome! Thanks so much for following!
Love the new site! So much easier to navigate and get to those delicious recipes quicker!
Thanks so much Beth Anne!
I love the new site Mary Ann. I especially like that the search option is at the top of the screen when using a cell phone. Thanks for the updates and for your continued dedication to your followers. We love you!
Thanks so much Laurie! Still working out some little issues, but I’m loving it too! XO
So fresh! Easier to find what I’m looking for – love it!
Thanks Debi! So happy you love the new design! Thanks so much for following!
Love the new website Mary Ann! It’s easy to navigate and very stylish. Congrats!
Thanks so much Katherine!
Looks just perfect, MaryAnn! Nothing like a fresh site to re-energize. Like Spring cleaning :)
Thanks Jennifer!